The Legacy & History
Honoring the Legacy

This picture represents the heritage of the Cincinnati Insurance Board and its contribution to fire protection and safety in the Greater Cincinnati area. Since its founding in 1838, the Cincinnati Insurance Board has met a variety of needs for the insurance community in the Greater Cincinnati area. In the beginning the CIB helped stabilize the insurance marketplace by promoting fire safety and working with insurance companies to accept risks. Before the advent of rating bureaus, the Board set the fire rates in the City of Cincinnati and conducted fire safety inspections on building located in the city. The Board of Underwriters of Cincinnati, predecessor of the CIB, was also instrumental in developing fire protection for inhabitants of the City of Cincinnati by working with the city to establish a fire department. In addition the CIB participated in organizing the Underwriters Salvage Corps in 1886. The Corps was operated, managed and funded by the of Board of Fire Underwriter of Cincinnati. Its goal was to protect building and contents from further damage after a fire and to assist firefighters. Members rushed onto burning building to save lives and property. They were accorded the same status as official firefighters while at fire zones. The picture has been given to each past president of the Cincinnati Insurance Board since the mid 1970's.
The Cincinnati Insurance Boards early records (1861 - 1992) are housed at the Cincinnati Museum Center's Cincinnati History Library and Archives. To see a description of these records Click here

In 1838 Cincinnati was a city in transition from a frontier town to a dynamic city feeding the growth of the American west. Its population was approximately 38,000 people. There were 6,315 buildings in the City, most of them located on or in close proximity to the river. The waterfront was a long row of two to four story frame warehouses. At any one time you would see a dozen wooden hulled boats docked on the riverfront. Cincinnati was considered the "The Insurance Center" west of the Alleghenies.
It was a time when insurance was a very risky endeavor. Marine insurance was the predominate insurance written. Now with the rapid growth of the city, fire insurance was becoming more of a necessity. Bankruptcies of insurance companies were a common occurrence. After the great fire in New York City three years earlier, sixty insurance companies went bankrupt.
In this environment, several fire insurance agents in Cincinnati felt the need to organize so they could promote sound fire insurance underwriting and rating in the city. This group lead by Ephraim Robins formed the "General Board of Fire Underwriters of Cincinnati " on April 18, 1838. The first president was a member of a prominent riverboat family, Jonathan J. Foote. Mr. Robins was the first secretary.

Since its founding, the Cincinnati Insurance Board has met a variety of needs for the insurance community in the Greater Cincinnati area. In the beginning the CIB helped stabilize the insurance marketplace in Cincinnati by promoting fire safety and working with insurance companies to accept risks in this area. Before the advent of rating bureaus, the Board set the fire rates in the City of Cincinnati and conducted fire safety inspections on building located in the city. This was also a time when there was little regulation of insurance. The Board provided oversight for ethical behavior and market conduct. They regularly took disciplinary action for those individuals who violated established principles and practices. The Board of Underwriters of Cincinnati was also instrumental in developing fire protection for inhabitants of the City of Cincinnati by working with the city to establish a fire department. In addition the CIB participated in organizing the Salvage Corps, whose function was to protect building and contents from further damage after a fire. The Savage Corps is now part of the Cincinnati Fire Department.
Over the years our officers and members have always been active in promoting positive legislation for the industry. We have had members testify before national Congressional Committees and State Legislative Committees. The Board has promoted a positive image of insurance since our founding.

During this period we have used seven different names during the process of meeting the various economic, social, and business needs of the community. The seven names used by the Board in its history are interesting because it represents the evolutionary nature of the insurance industry.
1838 - 1851 General Board of Fire Underwriters of Cincinnati
1851 - 1897 The Board if Underwrites of Cincinnati
1897 - 1906 The Cincinnati Underwriters Association
1906 - 1917 The Fire Underwriters Club of Cincinnati
1917 - 1938 The Cincinnati Fire Underwriters Association
1938 - 1960 The Cincinnati Underwriters Assocation
1960 - The Greater Cincinnati Insurance Board
The Cincinnati Insurance Boards early records (1861 - 1992) are housed at the Cincinnati Museum Center's Cincinnati History Library and Archives. To see a description of these records. (Click here)